Saturday, December 20, 2008


I am looking for my camera which has pictures of Hannah and Joshua for their updates. Until I find it, watch this video of Days End's 2008 review. (You might want to grab a tissue, ladies!)

Monday, December 15, 2008

DeEtte's Update

It has been a month filled with good-times. Three friends from New York came for a weekend of fun. Our time together included a night of dancing at Union Jacks, a sleep-over, early morning gab sessions over coffee, a play performance, lunch out, manicures & pedicures and late nights playing Wii while eating our favorite junk food.

Last weekend was Days End's holiday party where over 300 people came to celebrate a big year of volunteering and changes for the farm. It's a fun night of "whose who?" as it's pretty much the only time we get to see each other out of barn clothes and without mud all over our faces. Everyone cleans up really nice!
These are my co-workers, Erin (left), Brooke (right) and my boss, Kathy (far right).

My health issues continue and are stumping my Doctors. I had a HIDA Scan three weeks ago which showed that my gallbladder was functioning normally. A good thing, I guess? I am continuing to take Prilosec for the next 30 days to rule out a gastric ulcer but in the meantime I am having a CT Scan of my abdomen done tomorrow (Tues.) at 10 am. My symptoms remain pain in my right back, right front (below the rib cage), nausea and stomach upset. It is typically a problem 3 - 4 days a week with no consistent triggers (food). I will keep you posted!
Well....I guess related news here is that I recently had my hair done. It was long overdue considering it was JULY when I had it done last. It's much better now but it was getting pretty unsightly. *sigh*

Back on-line

I have been out of touch due to the hard drive on our computer crashing. We lost some important information but I'm not going to dwell on that.

There is a bunch to fill you in on but for now I'm going to send you to youtube to watch Josh in his first-ever movie. He spent Thanksgiving at his friend, Luke Rockswold's house in Southern Virginia. Luke's dream is to become a director and he spends a good deal of time making movies. You will see that he has a lot of talent!

Josh loved being a part of Luke's video and he even got to play two roles. Watch and you'll see Josh shooting at himself! For those of you who wouldn't recognize him, Josh is the one on the left in the bar scene and is the driver, "leader" of the swat team (where he's wearing a black hoodie).

Enjoy and I'll be back later with more updates.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Our hard drive crashed last week and it will be another week or two before it's fixed.
Everyone have a happy Thanksgiving and we'll see you in Dec.!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Cork, Carma and Comeda

Steve and I are blessed to belong to a wine club that was started and organized by our good friend, Austin (he's on the far left of the photo). We meet once-a-month, on a Friday night, at rotating homes where the host couple prepares a 3 to 4 course dinner. Another couple provides the wine and the evening is spent sampling (ha! "sampling") a variety of wines that have been paired with the evening's food theme.
We have had a variety of cuisines including Asian, Italian, Sea Food, Sushi, American Grill, and Argentinian. Each course is served with a different wine and I don't have to tell you that we hardly make it through the appetizer before everyone starts feeling the effects of the great food, wine and fun of being with our friends.
There is an understanding that "What happens at Cork, Carma and Comeda, STAYS at Cork, Carma and Comeda" so everyone feels comfortable letting their hair down. We've talked about politics, religion, child rearing, sex (we have several newly-weds in the group), marriage, travel/vacations. Most embarassing moments have been revealed, we've swam in our clothes, hung out in hot-tubs and sat around a 7-foot high fire (compliments of Steve!). It's a great way to stay connected to friends and make new ones as the group consists of 12 couples.
It's a highlight of Steve and I's month. In Oct. we hosted at our house and had our first-ever fondue party. It was a big success and we enjoyed sharing our newly painted kitchen and new dining set with our friends. This month we are providing the wine which will be from Steve's and I's favorite winery: Chateau St. Michelle; the one we visited in Washington State several years back.
Good times!

Monday, November 10, 2008


That's my pet name for Hannah. Don't ask me how it came about. The natural nic-name is Hannah-Banana and we've definately worn that one out. Banana, Hannah Montana (she'll give you the evil look of death if you ever use that one!), Toots. I don't know, one day it came out and stuck. She's only Toots to me, though. Steve uses babe sometimes. He calls Joshua, buddy, as do I, but Toots it is for my Hannah.

Here she is on homecoming night with one of her best friends, Priya.

Monday, November 3, 2008

I Love My Job

Everyone knows I'm horse crazy and have been since childhood. The need to be with a horse: to feel them, smell them and touch them has never lessened or waned.
Six years ago I found an organization that rehabilitates horses who have been seized by Animal Control due to cruelty or neglect. They are volunteer based and passionate about education and rescue. I started volunteering my time in the barn and quickly moved on to training the horses to better prepare them for an adoptive home. Soon I was leading a group of other volunteers in a team effort to help the horses through their behavioral or emotional issues, which was very rewarding and fun. I also was a volunteer member of the farm's Emergency Rescue Team and received training and certification in Large Animal Rescue. When the farm was called out on impoundments or rescues, I was called to assist.
Nearly two years ago a position was created to help the organization manage its 1200 annual volunteers. It came about at the time that Steve and I determined I needed to return to part-time work. On many levels this job was a perfect fit and I started in Feb. '07.
I LOVE MY JOB! It is such a rewarding position: to work with people and educate them about horses and then to assist in the rescue and rehab of these incredible animals.
How many jobs do you know of that pay you to lasso, sedate and vet a feral horse like the one below? This is me with my co-worker and the farm's Barn Manager, Erin Ochoa.
There were 75 feral horses impounded in late '06, many of which were stallions. This guy was one of the last to be caught and castrated this summer. Days End was called in to assist. Erin and I are holding the horse's head down to prevent him from getting up too soon. He may look harmless but horses under sedation can do some pretty crazy things!

Here was our next victim, ummm...patient! This guy had been castrated but was still too wild to have his feet trimmed, to be vetted or groomed. These these two horses and 5 others were being prepared for a trip to Texas where a rescue had agreed to put the time and resources into training them and finding an adopter.
Here we are tending to his cuts/bites, combing the knots out of his mane and tail and giving his shots. He's also having his feet trimmed by our farrier, Josh.

This is one of the most rewarding parts of my job: assisting the vet. Dr. Javier Donatelli is an incredible horseman (he grew up in Argentina where horsemanship was a way of life) and a great teacher. He has been our vet for over 15 years but sadly left the practice to go into private practice. We miss him terribly.
However, all of our vets are committed to education and the care of our horses. They serve as expert witnesses in court for the prosecution of the owners and they welcome volunteers, staff or interns to aid and ask questions.

I can't wait to go to work tomorrow. I never know what is going to happen: who I get to meet and what new experience I'll have.
I love my job!